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Water Connection Application


Application for water service connection permit and water service agreement BETWEEN THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BLUFFS (hereinafter called the "Township") 


Water Use:


1. I, the undersigned, (hereinafter called the "Owner") do hereby request the Township to affirm a water service connection, to the premises described above, and further request a water meter connection and plumbing inspection to comply with the Township’s requirements.

2. This application, when signed by the Owner and accepted for the Township by the signature of its authorized officer, shall be a contract between the Owner and the Township and shall not be modified or affected by any promise, agreement or representation by any agent or employee of the Township unless incorporated in writing into this contract before such acceptance.

3. The Owner and the Township agree to comply with the conditions of By-law No. 2019-54, a by-law regulating the maintenance and operation of the water works system and agree that the said conditions are part of this contract.

4. The Owner agrees to take water service and supply from the Township in accordance with the terms and conditions here in but the Owner further agrees to pay the Township at the authorized rates from the date on which water service is connected.

5. The authorized water rates may be revised by the Township from time to time as governed by the Public Utilities Act, R.S.O. 1990 and amendments thereto.

6. The Owner agrees that on request of the Township in its discretion, he will make a deposit in the amount determined by the Township to be held by the Township without interest as a guarantee that the Owner will fulfil all terms and conditions of this contract.

7. The Owner agrees to provide convenient and safe space, free of charge or rent, for the meter, piping and other appurtenances on the premises, and further agrees that no one who is not a servant or agent of the Township or otherwise lawfully entitled to do so, shall be permitted to remove, inspect or tamper with any of the said equipment of the Township, and that the properly authorized servants or agents of the Township shall, at all reasonable hours, have free access to the premises for the purpose of reading, examining, remaining or removing the meter, piping and other appurtenances.

8. Meters and all other equipment shall be in the care and at the risk of the Owner, and if destroyed or damaged, other than by ordinary wear and tear, the Owner shall pay to the cost of repairing or replacing the same.

9. If at any time a bill for service or water supply under this contract is in arrears or if the Owner fails to perform any other obligation hereunder the Township may, in addition to all other remedies, discontinue the service and/or terminate the contract and upon such termination the Township may remove the meters and other equipment installed by it on the Owner’s premises.

10. The Township agrees to use reasonable diligence in providing a regular and uninterrupted service but does not guarantee a constant service or the maintenance of unvaried pressure and will not be liable in damages to the Owner by reason of any failure in respect thereof.

11. This contract will come into effect on the date in which the service is connected and shall continue in force thereafter.

12. The Owner vacating the subject premises without notifying the Township is liable for all subsequent accounts until a new Owner is registered at the vacated location.

13. It is agreed that the signatures of the parties hereto shall be binding upon their successors or assigns, and that the vacating of the premises herein named shall not release the Owner from this contract, except at the option and written consent of the Township.

By signing this clause, the applicant is acknowledging that at no time shall he, his plumber, or any other agent allow a connection to be permitted between the main water shutoff, located within the first 0.6 metres of the main water service entering through the foundation or sidewall, to the remaining internal water system without the installation of a meter, expansion tank, and backflow preventer.

By signing this clause, the applicant is acknowledging that the water meter inspection is part of the internal plumbing inspection. As such the internal plumbing inspection cannot be passed until the water meter, and backflow preventer are picked up from the Township and installed along with the expansion tank specified on the permit prior to arranging the plumbing inspection. Failure to do so will result in an additional inspection which will be subject to the Extra Inspection Fee as in the then current Classes of Building Permits and Building Permit Fees By-Law.


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1) Water Service Connections

a) The Superintendent shall determine the size of the pipes and fittings to be connected to a water main, but no water service connection shall be less than 19 mm diameter for a copper water service and no less than 25.4 mm nominal diameter for a polyethylene water service, and he shall also determine the position in the street where the water service connection may be connected to any water main.

b) Acceptable material for water service connection pipes shall be Type K soft copper or Series 160 polyethylene Rehau "Municipex" water service pipe.

c) All water service connections shall be at least 1.8 m below the finished grade of the street in which such services are laid or, if at lesser depth, shall be properly protected from freezing, per the attached drawing Subsurface Water Pipe Installation Specification.

d) All metal appurtenances such as service saddles, main stops, curb stops, etc. shall be bronze or stainless steel, unless protected with a cathodic protection system.

e) Curb stop control rods shall be stainless steel.

f) All non-metallic piping should include a tracer wire system extending the full length of the pipe.

2) Water Service Connections to Owner’s Premises

a) All water services may be Type “K” Soft Copper (minimum 19 mm in diameter) or Series 160 Rehau “Municipex” polyethylene service pipe (minimum 24.5 mm diameter). Notwithstanding, the pipes and fittings used for internal plumbing shall conform in design and quality to the standard prescribed by the Superintendent and Ontario Regulations

b) All water service connections to the premises shall be laid at least 1.8 m below the finished grade of area through which they are installed, or, if at lesser depth, shall be properly protected from freezing per the attached drawing Subsurface Water Pipe Installation Specification.

c) All connections shall have suitable relief valves and thermal expansion tanks to relieve excess pressure.

d) All service pipe connections to boilers shall have check valves fixed to prevent water escaping back into the mains.

3) Water Meter Installation

a) Unless otherwise authorized by the Township of Georgian Bluffs, all water supplied to residential, multi-residential, commercial and industrial buildings through existing and new water services for use on premises connected to a municipally owned water system shall pass through a water meter owned by the Township for use upon such premises.

b) Water meters will be issued by the Township, its contractor (Neptune Technology Group), or its operators.

c) From time to time special projects may be taken to upgrade or replace water meter technology. For the purpose of these projects it is mandatory for all property owners that are connected to the municipal water system to participate in the water meter replacement and upgrade program cooperating fully with the Township’s contractor and their designate if applicable.

d) In all premises, as designated by the Plumbing Inspector, sufficient space shall be allowed on the horizontal pipe for the installation of a water meter.

e) No connection shall be allowed to the incoming water pipe before the water meter and such water meter shall be located within 2 feet (0.6 m) of the main water service penetrating the floor or sidewall of a building.

4) Backflow Prevention Devices

a) Backflow prevention devices must be installed immediately adjacent to the water meter.

b) Backflow prevention devices must meet the following minimum standards, and shall be of a type or its equivalent, as determined by the Township:

c) Backflow prevention devices shall be installed in accordance with “CAN/CSAB64.10-94 Manual for the Selection, Installation and Maintenance and Field Testing for Backflow Prevention Devices”

d) The device shall be suitable for water supply pressures up to 150 p.s.i., back pressures and temperatures to suit the applications as recommended by the suppliers.

e) All materials used in the back-flow prevention device shall be corrosion-resistant and suitable for the purpose.

f) The device shall be one which is marked as approved by the Canadian Standards Association.

g) Where, in the opinion of the Township, the capacity of one back-flow prevention device is rated inadequate for a particular installation and the next larger size is excessively large or unsuitable, it is permissible to install two or more smaller devices in parallel but in no event shall such a parallel installation consist of more than four individual devices.

Subsurface Water Pipe Installation Specification

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