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Facility Rental Agreement

Please note: submitting a Facility Rental Agreement Form does not guarantee the request. The booking is not confirmed until a Facility Rental Contract is generated by the Facilities Coordinator.


General Terms and Conditions:

For the purpose of this agreement the “Renter” shall be designated on behalf of the individual, group, or organization renting the facilities and/or equipment.

  1. Township Staff will be responsible to see that the facilities and equipment, as outlined in the agreement, are ready and waiting for use by the Renter. Set-up is the responsibility of the Renter.
  2. The Renter is responsible for ensuring all equipment they have used is cleaned at the conclusion of their rental. This includes tables and chairs, and (if applicable) the kitchen and bar areas inclusive of any cutlery, utensils, appliances and any other items used as well as surfaces such as countertops and stoves. A mop bucket will be made available for the renter to use in the case of spills during the event. Extra cleaning will be charged to the renter at a rate of $150 per hour.
  3. For licensed events, the Renter shall obtain the necessary Special Occasion Permit (SOP) from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). The SOP will not exceed 1:00 a.m. A copy of the permit will be posted at or near the bar location. The Renter will provide the Township with a copy of their SOP at least two weeks before their event.
  4. The Renter is responsible for all aspects of the Municipal Alcohol Policy and for ensuring that all requirements of the Liquor License Act are followed.
  5. For licensed events, The Renter must see that the facility is completely vacated 60 minutes after the SOP expires, otherwise an additional fee of $150 per hour will be charged until the facility is completely vacated.
  6. Any individuals, groups or organizations renting the Township’s facilities and using the Township’s equipment will be held responsible for any and all loss or damage that occurs. A $150 security deposit is required for all rentals with an SOP. The security deposit will be returned to the Renter following the event only after the Facilities Coordinator or other Township designated staff is satisfied that all the terms of this Agreement have been fulfilled.
  7. The Township of Georgian Bluffs will not be responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. The Township is not responsible for items that do not belong to the Township.
  8. The facility booking is not complete without a signed Facility Rental Agreement, Facility Rental Contract, and signed Municipal Alcohol Policy (for licensed events only). The Renter must complete, sign, and return all applicable parts of this agreement at least 60 days in advance of the rental, or in the case of the facility rental occurring in less than 60 days all forms must be completed at the time of booking.
  9. For licensed events, the Renter agrees to pay a $150 deposit at the time of booking. All remaining fees must be paid no later than 60 days prior to the event. The deposit will be forfeited for any cancellations occurring less than 60 days before the facility rental date.
  10. The Renter is responsible for all applicable fees over and above the Township’s facility rental fees required for the event (including AGCO, insurance, lottery, etc.).
  11. Confetti, rice, or other similar items will not be used at the facility. Only masking tape can be used to attach items to walls and non-permanent style hooks to the ceiling. The additional cleaning rate will be charged to the Renter if non-approved items are used and cause difficulties to cleaning.
  12. The Renter is responsible for contacting the Township no less than seven days in advance of the rental date concerning any special arrangements or requirements for equipment delivery and set up.
  13. The Renter shall provide for all events requiring a Special Occasion Permit a policy of Third Party Alcohol Liability Insurance having limits of not less than $5,000,000 inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death, and damage to property naming the “Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs” as an additional insured. On all General Liability or Third Party Alcohol Liability Insurance Certificates the following shall be added: “The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs is hereby named as additional insured but only in respect of and for the duration of the services to be performed under this agreement” and shall contain a cross liability clause endorsement.
  14. All exit doors and fire routes must be kept free, clear, and accessible in the case of emergencies. Use of candles must be preapproved by the Township (must be self-contained) and used in accordance with fire codes.
  15. It is the responsibility of the Renter to ensure that the posted occupancy levels are not exceeded. In accordance with AGCO Private Event regulations, a guest list must be kept and maintained at the door with no access granted to those not on the list. For Public Events, the Renter must track occupancy to ensure the limit is not exceeded.
  16. Should this Agreement and its terms be contravened, The Renter may be suspended for up to one year from any Township facilities.
  17. The Renter acknowledges they can be held liable for injuries and/or damage arising from failing to adhere to the Liquor License Act of Ontario or from otherwise failing to take action that will prevent foreseeable harm from occurring.
  18. The Renter understands that Ontario Provincial Police, AGCO Liquor Inspectors, Fire Inspector, and Township staff may enter the facility at any time unannounced.
  19. The Renter agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Township of Georgian Bluffs from any and all claims, actions, damages, and costs that may result.
  20. Any misrepresentation or false claim by the Renter may nullify this agreement for rental.
  21. The Township of Georgian Bluffs shall incur no liability to the Renter for failure to perform, an of the covenants or conditions contained herein if such failure is due to trikes, act of nature, or any other cause due to or beyond the control of the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
  22. There is no smoking on the grounds or within 20 meters of Shallow Lake Community Centre, Derby Community Centre, or Kemble Arena as per the Smoke Free Ontario Act.

I have read and understand the Terms & Conditions of this Agreement. I acknowledge and agree that breach of any of the said Terms & Conditions may result in the termination of this agreement and rental.


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