In accordance with Animal Control By-Law 79-2013, dog owners in the Township of Georgian Bluffs are required to licence their dog(s). A maximum of 3 dogs per household are allowed except for Guide Dogs, Service Dogs, Working Dogs or Hunting Dogs, unless licenced under a kennel or breeding and boarding establishment licence. To obtain a kennel, breeding or boarding licence please contact the Clerk's office at 519-376-2729.
Once the tag is received, the owner shall keep the tag securely fixed on the dog at all times until the tag is renewed or replaced, except while the dog is being lawfully used for hunting in the bush.
No person shall make false statement on any registration or application required under this By-Law.
If paying online, payment must be made with a credit card and a 3.50% administration fee will be added to your total. Your animal licence account must be in good standing and not have a previous balance in order to make payment online.
A $10.00 surcharge will apply on all fees paid after May 15, 2023.
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